Understanding Eye Problems

After struggling with blurry vision for years, I finally realized that it was time to consult with a professional. Simply put, I was tired of dealing with the struggles of acting like I could see when I really couldn't. It was embarrassing, and I just wanted to be able to participate like normal. I was nervous for the eye appointment, but my doctor was incredible. He walked me through every aspect of the exam and calmed my fears about permanent eye damage. This blog is all about working with an optometrist to get the vision experience that you really deserve.

4 Common Mistakes People Make When Scheduling Their Eye Exams


Eye doctors help people protect their eyesight by offering comprehensive eye exams. However, there are things that patients can do to make sure that each eye exam they have is as productive as possible. Here are four common mistakes that patients make when scheduling their eye exams:

1. Waiting Too Long

The best time to schedule an eye doctor appointment is before you need one. Eye doctors' schedules fill up at certain times of the year, especially toward the end of the calendar year when people are trying to use up their vision benefits before they lose them. Some people need to have their eyes examined annually so they can obtain a contact lens prescription. Running out of contact lenses can leave you in a bad position, so make sure that you schedule your next appointment before that happens.

2. Not Mentioning Problems

Most people should have their eyes checked every couple of years, even if they don't wear corrective lenses. However, you should also see your eye doctor any time you notice unusual changes in your eyes. Itchiness, irritation, burning, and dryness can all be symptoms of underlying problems. You should always mention any problems you've been having when you see your eye doctor. Your eye doctor needs to know everything about your eye health so they can help you.

3. Forgetting Their Corrective Lenses At Home

If you wear glasses or contacts, you should bring them to your eye exam. Your eye doctor will want to examine the fit of your current contact lenses and check the fit of your glasses. Looking at your corrective lenses can tell your eye doctor if you're caring for them appropriately. If you forget your glasses or contacts at home, your eye doctor won't be able to make helpful suggestions regarding their usage.

4. Driving Themselves To The Doctor's Office

Driving yourself to your eye exam may seem like a no-brainer, but it's better to find an alternate mode of transportation. Your eye doctor needs to dilate your pupils to examine the back of your eye, and this procedure can make your vision blurry for a few hours. Finding a ride or taking a bus to your eye exam will allow you to submit to a pupil dilation test with no worries.

Avoiding these common mistakes will help you have a fast and productive trip to the eye doctor's office. When in doubt, you can always call your eye doctor's office ahead of time to ask for detailed instructions. After all, your eye doctor's goal is to provide the best possible service to you year after year.


21 July 2021